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Partnership Advantages

Joining forces with SENTRY provides many benefits to our partners such as;

  • Opportunities to partner with SENTRY on proposals and task orders
  • Networking opportunities with other industries, government, labs, and DHS components
  • Invitations to present and participate in workshops, conferences, stakeholder meetings, and SENTRY research project reviews
  • Access to high-level security experts in key soft targets venues such as schools, sports arenas, and malls through the SENTRY Practitioner Advisory Board (PAB)
  • Use of SENTRY test bed facilities and data sets
  • Participation in focus groups, brainstorming sessions, case studies, and product demonstrations
  • Collaborative opportunities with SENTRY researchers
  • Access to students for internships, co-op, and hiring opportunities

Industry Partners are invaluable in transitioning technology, advancing the SENTRY research mission, and contributing financially to our research through donations. These donations supplement the core funding provided by DHS, help with administrative expenses, and allow the expansion of the SENTRY research mission.


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